Thursday, October 10, 2019

Adobe PDF reader - Lookup - Redirect to any dictionary using Chrome extension "Redirector".

1) By default, Adobe pdf reader "lookup" opens using browser.
2) Here you have option to redirect to any English to other language dictionary.
3) make Chrome as Default browser.
4) Install "Redirector" extension in google chrome browser.
5) "Redirector" icon will be displayed in top-right side of browser.
6) Right click on "option" menu, and new tab will be appeared on web browser.
7) apply below in it and restart your browser.



Windows 7, No Taskbar and No Desktop icons

To resolve this issue,

1) Login into windows 7 as Administrator.
2) Open taskmanager through (alt + Ctrl + Del).
3) run cmd as new task in task manager.
4) Navigate (regedit -> LocalComputer -> Software -> Microsoft -> WindowsNT -> CurrentVersion -> Shell) and update shell as "explorer.exe".
5) restart the computer.

Desktop Icons and Taskbar will be restored !!!